Sunday, January 2, 2011

New Year's Resolutions: White House Edition

President Obama and some key staffers are planning out a White House reorganization. It’s partly in response to the Republicans holding more power in Congress and the impending re-election campaign. That said, the reorganization plan appears to have an awful lot of goals, some of which are, well, insanely broad. Parsing the New York Times, here are just a few:
  • Get fresh perspectives from outside the White House echo chamber
  • Streamline operations and reduce bureaucracy
  • Improve internal communication
  • Maximize the power of the executive branch
  • Modernize the White House (whatever that means)
  • Better seize opportunities available in divided government
  • More effectively use the White House bully pulpit
Hmm.. it seems like you'd need the MVP of reorganization plans to do all that in one fell swoop.

[Photo courtesy of Elen Uska at]

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